
ASNA uses FARO solutions for precision machine alignment

Precision machine alignment using Laser Tracker  BuildIT Metrology

ASNA Overcomes Shop-Floor Challenges with Laser Tracker Technology & Large-Volume Metrology Software

Alignment Services of North America (ASNA) supports part replacement, new installation alignment and catastrophic failure for the paper industry. ASNA uses the FARO® Vantage Laser Tracker and BuildIT Metrology Software. Vantage Laser Trackers help ASNA deliver highly accurate measurement data and improve customer satisfaction.


Qualitätskontrolle und Inspektion
Fertigung und Montage
Anbieter von Messdienstleistungen
Metallverarbeitung, Bearbeitung und Montage
Software – Messtechnik und Qualitätskontrolle
BuildIT Metrology
Fertigung und Montage

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