
Beyond the Best: How Motorcycle Maven Moriwaki Engineering Benefits from FARO 3D Laser Scanning Tech

Moriwaki Case Study

For nearly 75 years Japanese motorcycle culture has been known around the world. Often, these brands rival and, in many cases, surpass, the best of what other nations can achieve in terms of product design.

As a top 20 nation for motorcycle ridership, Japanese bike culture is widely associated with freedom, individuality, tolerance, and progressivism. Today approximately 10.3 million motorcycles are in use across the country, with the primary market dominated by smaller engine vehicles, particularly those under 50 cc. Less well known, however, is the critical parallel industry of parts production and accessories manufacture. And by extension, the measurement technology required to build, retrofit, quality control and repair those motorcycles as needs dictate.

One such company is Moriwaki Engineering Co., Ltd. Founded in 1973, Moriwaki Engineering specializes in motorcycles and cars, including the development, design, manufacture, and sales of motorcycle mufflers and other high-performance parts. Based in Suzuka, the brand operates nationwide, has a professional racing component, and exports to dozens of markets, including the United States, Europe, Asia, and Australia, among others. To live up to the company’s slogan “Beyond the Best,” Moriwaki has for the last two decades relied increasingly on 3D laser scanning technology.

Read the full article to learn how Moriwaki Engineering relies on 3D laser measurement tools by FARO to collect scan data and probe small parts in the development, design, manufacture, and sale of motorcycle mufflers and other high-performance parts.  

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