
From accident to arson: New tech identifies sources of house fire


Check out the recent report from 9NEWS - Denver's Leading Local News Channel - on how a FARO® 3D Laser Scanner was used to investigate a fire that killed three people, including a 4-year-old child, and lead to the indictment of two caretakers.

With the Laser Scanner, investigators were able to:

  • Process the scene in just six hours, instead of the usual days needed
  • Create exact, digital documentation of the house and scene
  • Present evidence via 3D scan models to a grand jury, proving source of the fire

"We couldn't take our investigator who may not have been at the scene and have them visualize what things look like at that date and time," Officer Steiner said. "Now we can show a to-scale exact replication of the house or scene."

Watch to learn how the FARO Laser Scanner was used to accurately capture, analyze and share the evidence and complete the investigation in dramatically shorter time.

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Public Safety Solutions: Improving Safety with Reality Capture

Transform your team’s public safety work with 3D reality capture. Leverage 3D reality capture and advanced software for forensic analysis, pre-incident planning, and smarter, safer public safety processes.

Scannen mit Focus Premium Max & FARO SCENE Integration

Entdecken Sie FARO SCENE, die führende 3D-Laserscan Registrierungssoftware für Vermesser und Spezialgewerke. Mit interaktiver Scan-Registrierung, Hybrid-Registrierung und erweiterten Tools definiert SCENE 3D-Workflows mit nahtloser Georeferenzierung, leistungsstarker Fehlerkorrektur und Exportflexibilität neu.

Ein FARO 3D-Realitätserfassungsgerät für Geschwindigkeit und Genauigkeit

Wie der FARO ® Orbis Mobile-Scanner, der neben hochwertigen Flash-Scans auch mobile Scans liefert, in einen Workflow mit Hybrid Reality Capture , unterstützt durch Flash Technology , und dem FARO® Focus Premium Laserscanner passt.

Erleben Sie Genauigkeit und Vielseitigkeit mit dem Orbis Premium Mobile Scanner

Der FARO Orbis Premium Mobile Laser Scanner ist ein leistungsstarker mobiler Scanner mit Schutzart IP54, SLAM-Scantechnologie, 72-MP-Bildern und hochdichtem Flash Technology-Scanning.